Highlands Quest

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Process - Development Experts

Guiding Questions:

  1. How will you move development forward? That is, how can you fill the needs for housing and other construction while being consistent with the requirements of the Highlands Plan? Consider the likely availability of incentives, shifts in where development will be permitted and encouraged, and any other aspects of sustainability that you could use to your advantage.
  2. What other changes could you make in the New York Protection Plan for developers to respond to the requirements and spirit of the New Jersey Act?
  3. What would you like to see from other sectors, such as (but not limited to) The Highlands Regional Council, environmental groups, local towns, even your own trade association that could facilitate your success as a builder to do the above?
  4. Explain how your proposal will benefit developers at the same time maintaining the integrity of the watershed ecosystem.

Your team must submit your detailed answers to the CEO. If they are satisfactory, your team will get the thumbs up to proceed.

Your team will formulate three recommendations for the creation of the New York Highlands Protection Plan and present them to the NYHAB.


  • Your team will have about 5 minutes of the 30 allotted for your consulting company.
  • Your presentation should address the anticipated objections using the information from the questions you answered.
  • A question and answer session will follow the presentations.

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