Highlands Quest

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Process - Terrestrial Experts

  Guiding Questions:

  1. Describe the flora and fauna associated with the Highlands area.
  2. What species of nesting birds and raptors claim the Highlands as their habitat? How might this Protection Plan (legislation) impact their habitat?
  3. Why is preservation of the forests in the area so important to environmental groups? What do they contribute to the overall sustainability of the area?
  4. What role do forests play in biodiversity? How can development and biodiversity work together to foster sustainability?
  5. To what extent should development be restricted to preserve the forests?
  6. What will happen to forests and biodiversity in the watershed if development is not managed in this area?

Your team must submit your detailed answers to the CEO. If they are satisfactory, your team will get the thumbs up to proceed.

Your team will formulate three recommendations for the creation of the New York Highlands Protection Plan and present them to the NYHAB.


  • Your team will have about 5 minutes of the 30 allotted for your consulting company.
  • Your presentation should address the anticipated objections using the information from the questions you answered.
A question and answer session will follow the presentations.


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