Highlands Quest

Quest Home | Ramapo College | NJ HEPS

Process - Farming / Agricultural Experts

Guiding Questions:

  1. Characterize the Highlands Region in terms of economic importance for farmers and farming?
  2. What are the types of farming currently found in the Highlands?
  3. To what extent is the New York metropolitan region dependent on food from this region? Why or why not?
  4. Is it important to preserve farming as a way of life in this region? Why or why not?
  5. What are the main issues that concern farmers living in the region?
  6. How is the future of farming potentially affected by the New Jersey Highlands Act? Will this be similar for the New York Protection Plan?
  7. Explain how your proposal to safeguard the watershed areas in New York State will preserve existing farmland and agricultural areas. Present a plan that will address the economic impact and incentives the state may offer to the farmers.

Your team must submit your detailed answers to the CEO. If they are satisfactory, your team will get the thumbs up to proceed.

Your team will formulate three recommendations for the creation of the New York Highlands Protection Plan and present them to the NYHAB.


  • Your team will have about 5 minutes of the 30 allotted for your consulting company.
  • Your presentation should address the anticipated objections using the information from the questions you answered.
A question and answer session will follow the presentations.

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