Meadowlands WebQuest

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From a sustainability perspective, is Xanadu as sustainable as it could be? 
What aspects of sustainability are represented by the Xanadu project?  Could
more be done from a non-economics perspective to make Xanadu a unique model
of sustainability?  Or would Xanadu still fall short?"

"What does the Xanadu case tell us, in general, about how to balance
environmental and economic goals?  Wtih creativity, can the nature of
economic development be changed so that its environmental impact is
minimized?  What are some of the ways to do this?  Further, could economic
development, in some sense, even enhance environmental protection, even if
as part of a grand compromise?  Or, in the end, are negative environmental
impacts still inevitable, but arguably an acceptable price to pay? When is
it acceptable to pay that price?"

"How did Mills change their image (at least among some environmental groups)
from another environmentally destructive developer to that of a company
that, at least to a degree, tries to minimize the environmental impacts of a
project?  What does that tell you about a potential future for developers in
a sustainability context?"

"How did the Hackensack Meadowlands Commission go about improving their
orientation and image from that of favoring development over environmental
protection to an agency that cares about the latter?  What does that say
about the potential role of government in pursuing sustainability?"


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