Ozone Quest
Field Team
Lab Team
Solutions / Technology Team
Economics Team
Ozone Quest
Field Investigation Team  

Investigates questions concerning the Occurrence, Fate and Transport of Ozone.

Guiding Questions

1. What is Ozone?  What is difference between ozone present high in the atmosphere and ozone present at ground level?  Why is one considered “good Ozone” and the other “bad Ozone”?

2. What are causes of Ozone pollution? What are the point-source and non point-source contributors to Ozone pollution for the city of Ramford?

3.  What is the relationship between the Ozone values at the four sampling stations in the city of Ramford and attendance and asthma at the 10 schools in the Board of Education study?

4. Are there trends over time and season for Ozone levels the city of Ramford? What are the reasons for differences? Where, besides Ramford, is Ozone a large problem: domestically and internationally?  Where is it found and where to the pollutants originate?  

5.  How does the pollutant exist in the environment? What are the conditions that affect ozone levels? Cite meteorological considerations.

6.  How is Ozone pollution transported in the environment? What effect do air currents and temperature have on Ozone levels?  Where are the sources in relation to the problem areas with respect to these currents?






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