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Picture Perfect Planning

It's easy to imagine a snapshot of the 2012 Olympic Games in the Greater Ramford Area. Ramford County

With its unique, breath-taking topology -- a natural amphitheater of hills, water, land and sunshine -- the Ramford County Area blends in perfectly with the traditional grand-scale pageantry and competition of the Olympic Games.

Throughout its 405 year history, Ramford has enchanted the human imagination, exerting a magical pull across oceans and continents, drawing dreamers from Asia, the Americas and Europe to its coastal vistas, inspiring poets and storytellers to relate its glories. 

From the magnificent span of its George Paterson Bridge to the charm of its brownstone neighborhoods, the City of Ramford occupies a unique place in the cultural and intellectual life of our nation. It is here that the future of assembly line technology was forever modernized with the introduction of steam driven belt and pulley systems. From the pioneering birth of the westward expansion to the globally transforming innovations of International Electric's discoveries in the 1990s, the Ramford Area has always been at the frontier of change. It has helped our nation - and our world - answer the unceasing question of what's next. 

Today, Ramford - with 94% public support - stands ready to answer that question for the United States Olympic Committee. Through its candidacy to host the 2012 Winter Olympic Games, Ramford has envisioned "The Games of The Century". 

Explore further into our site to find out more about what bringing the Olympic Games to the Ramford Area means to you, as well as how you can participate in making it happen. 

Ramford 2012 ... "The Games of The Century"

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The Ramford Organizing Committee 2008, LLC
20108 Thirty-Third Blvd.
Ramford, Ramford County