Bring Ramford's Exhausted Air to Health
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Action Alert! - Ramford County 
View recent updates to BREATH's Action Proposal for downtown Ramford!



BREATH - is a non-partisan environmental action committee, comprised of Ramford City citizens who are concerned about the fiscal and environmental costs of urban development. Our objectives are to identify strategic plans of action which will support environmental measures that will protect our quality of life. 

Mission and Goals: Environment, Development, Equity

BREATH is Ramford's oldest environmental organization. BREATH is interested in spreading awareness and understanding of current environmental challenges, taking effective action to sustain our environment and promote environmental justice, and organizing events and activities to celebrate and protect our environment. Weekly board meetings are open to anyone interested in guiding the organization toward the future, and frequent committee-wide events bring everyone together for a common cause or interest.  Our goal is to promote individual decisions and public policies.

For more information, please contact: Aviola Branchiole, Executive Director of BREATH


©2002 TIES Project. Ramapo College, New Jersey