ring Ramford's Exhausted Air to Health
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Action Alert !

Attention Citizens of Ramford.  

As you know, BREATH proposes a dynamic plan to improve the quality of life in the downtown area of Ramford City. With the upcoming bid to the 2008 Olympic committee, Ramford citizens are concerned about drawing positive responses from the international community. World-class athletes cannot compete in air polluted environments. Ramford needs to CLEAN UP ITS ACT!  The Olympic Bid Committee of Ramford County will host a series of debates concerning BREATH's proposed vehicular traffic ban in downtown Ramford County.  BREATH feels that this proposal will greatly increase our chances in attracting the Olympics as well as many other fine sporting events to our area. Each year, thousands of citizens live in, work in or visit our beautiful and historic downtown area. For the good of all of our citizens, we must act NOW!


  • Each year more and more citizens take ill with respiratory related health diseases.  
  • Our scenic landmarks cannot be enjoyed because they are polluted with haze and smog.  
  • Antiquated buses clog our streets with more and more pollution.  The City of Ramford has yet to upgrade their buses to the more modern, cleaner energy systems.
  • Gridlock is unbearable for those in downtown Ramford.  Not only are citizens subjected to noisy cars (not to mention angry drivers), but it has come to be a major health danger.  Hundreds of cars sitting in traffic emitting fumes has made downtown Ramford hazardous to your health.

Is this a city which can expect to host the 2008 Olympics?

Want to do something about it?


To best improve the air quality, and a better quality of life, BREATH proposes the following:

Section downtown Ramford into two zones. (see map).

Zone 1
  • Ban vehicular traffic (of all kinds) from ALL of Zone 1.
  • Develop Zone 1 into a walking mall which will attract hundreds daily, increasing economic wealth and vitality in the area.
  • Concurrently, banning all vehicles from Zone 1 will result in the decrease of emission related ozone hazards, improving air quality.


Zone 2
  • Ban all vehicular traffic except commercial deliveries between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., weekdays only.
  • This enables existing business to continue receiving materials while balancing the needs of the citizens of downtown Ramford.

BREATH Zoning Proposal
(Click on Map for Larger View)


  • Eliminating and reducing vehicular traffic in downtown Ramford is the only solution!  Improving our air quality,  tourism opportunities and quality of life is the only way that downtown Ramford will be revitalized.
  • With the increase in better air quality, more citizens will enjoy our historic treasures in cleaner air.  Tourism will be revitalized in the area and will bring revenue to local businesses.
  • Imagine an elegant evening with you and your loved ones, in an open air cafe - without the blaring of horns, the dodging of cars or the heavy polluted air.


  • Get the word out - help people understand how BREATH's proposal will allow us to bid for the 2008 Olympics.  Only clean air cities are going to be able to compete.
  • Attend the series of debates hosted by the Bid Committee - let them see that you care about Ramford County's air quality!

Remember - Democracy is not a spectator sport!  Get involved!




©2002 TIES Project. Ramapo College, New Jersey