For individual children currently in Kindergarten through 5th grades this school year.

The Meadowlands Environment Center is pleased to offer day camp programs specifically for children in the Township of Lyndhurst.  These programs are not only fun, but the age appropriate, hands-on activities offered will encourage exploration, learning, and discovery to make sure your child is practicing the standards set forth by the NGSS and NJSLA-S.  Each day will have a morning session and an afternoon session that will keep your child engaged in science-based activities inside the Meadowlands Environment Center as well as outside, weather permitting.  Daily themes and activities will be determined based on the forecast and differ each session.  

Cost: $25 per session, per child 

Morning Session: 8:45 am – 11:15 am

Afternoon Session:  12:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Dates: July 31 to August 4 & August 7 to August 11

Registration: Online Only (Opens April 15th) 

Day Camp at the MEC

Finding ScienceFinding Science

Grades K – 2 (rising 1st – 3rd graders)

Description:  If you have questions, science probably has the answers. In our Finding Science summer program, we’ll discover the science in the world around us and answer questions like: Why is the sky blue? How do birds fly? What makes a boat float? and many more! Working on a different daily theme ranging from astronomy to zoology, every day will involve hands-on activities and time outdoors. 

Junior Explorers

Grades 3 – 5 (rising 4th – 6th graders)

Description:  Each day of this day camp will focus on a different natural science topic.  There will be hands-on lessons, games, and themed arts & crafts that are all content-based and correlated to the same standards adhered to in schools.  Weather permitting, we will try to include some time outside every day, so please dress appropriately.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q.  How are the campers grouped?

A.  Campers will be divided into two different grade ranges.  The younger group will have children who have completed kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades; and the older group will have children who have completed 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades.

Q. How many children will be in each group?

A. No more than 20 children will be in a group.

Q.  Will the camp run rain or shine?

A.  Yes.  Indoor and outside activities are planned that can be adjusted due to the weather.

Q.  Does my child need to attend both sessions?

A.  No.  You can register for a single session or full day.  

Q.  Will the same activities be done in each session?

A.  No.  The program is designed to have different activities so a child can attend multiple sessions.  If you would like to register your child for a full day (8:45am-2:30pm), you will need to submit a registration for each session.

Q.  If I register my child for both sessions, will they need to be picked up in between?

A.  No.  If your child is attending both sessions, one of our staff will be with your child while they eat lunch.

Q.  Is pre-registration required?

A.  Yes.  All campers must be pre-registered to attend any session.

Q.  If registration is full is there a waiting list?

A.  Yes.  If payment is not received in full by the due date, we will contact those on the waiting list the following day.  

Q.  When is final payment due?

A.  Payment in full must be received no later than Friday, July 14th.  If your payment is not received, your child’s spot will be offered to the next child on the waiting list.  This process begins July 17th.  

Q.  Are payments refundable?

A.  No.  The cost per child is the minimum that we charge to cover the cost for materials purchased for the program.  

Q.  I’m unsure how many sessions my child may want to attend.  Can I add sessions after camp begins?

A.  No.  Pre-registration is required.  We are not able to add more campers once registration closes.  

Q. Is before and/or aftercare an option?

A. No.  There will be no supervision of children before or after each session.  

Q.  What should my child bring?

A.  Children will be reminded to keep hydrated throughout the day, and we ask parents to send their child with a refillable water bottle as well as a small, non-perishable snack. If a child is attending both sessions, we ask parents to pack a non-perishable lunch and two small snacks for each break.  Please be mindful of potential allergies and adhere to our policy of being a nut-free facility.  

Note: Our programs are designed to be outside to the greatest extent possible so we encourage dressing for the weather and to “dress for mess”.  We are more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your child’s participation and attendance.  


After registering online, you will receive a separate email from an administrator requesting the following:

  • Completion of an online form so that we can learn more about your child and obtain emergency contact information. The direct link will be within the email.
  • Payment in full in the form of cash or a check made payable to the Ramapo College Foundation by the date indicated within the email.

The above must be received prior to the start of the program and can be mailed to:

The Meadowlands Environment Center

3 DeKorte Park Plaza

PO Box 640

Lyndhurst, NJ 07070

Re: STEM camp

Failure to provide these requirements prior, will result in your child being deregistered.  

Note: If your child has any learning needs that are addressed in their school setting via accommodations outlined in an IEP or a 504-plan, we respectfully request information on how we can best meet your child’s needs at our facility.  Indicating this when completing the online form regarding your child, will result in contact from Michele Daly, Director of Disability Education. Our staff is very familiar with educating children with all types of learning needs and the presence of a disability will not preclude your child from attending.  Our science building, environment center, outdoor trails, and restrooms are all accessible; however, if your child needs an aide, a nurse, or specialized attention by a qualified third-party at any possible time during the day, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide such a person.  If you would like to reach Michele Daly directly, she can be reached by Email or at 201-390-5583.