Yes, we are open and ready to welcome you back to our programs!  With recommended/required health and safety measures in place, we are offering all of the following options: our standard school programs summer camp programs scout programs  nutrition programs climate change education programs family programs for all ages learning pod programs In-person, virtual, and traveling options are available.  Please feel free to call Michele at 201-390-5583 for questions or to schedule.Read More →

Have a small group of children looking for something fun and educational?  Bring them to the MEC where they can spend 2 hours with an experienced educator!  For more information, visit our PODS page or call Michele at 201-390-5583.Read More →

We understand that many schools are not going on field trips this coming year so we are offering to work with teachers or administrators to bring our educator to you.  If you are interested in having one of our MEC educators come as an “Educator in Residency”, he/she can remain in your school for an extended period of time delivering STEM-based and nutrition program to your students in their classroom.   We are also offering virtual nutrition and science programs where we supply “individual activity packs” so students can do lessons at home or in class. If you are interested in discussing how we can meetRead More →