TIES PCBs Online

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Paul C. Byers  
Paul C. ByersTask

PAUL C. BYERS has hired your environmental consulting firm as his team of experts to present the case AGAINST "targeted dredging" of PCB-contaminated pockets in the Ramford River in the debate which will take place before the election.

The league of Women Voters has set the format of the debate: each team will prepare and present a THREE - MINUTE argument in support of its major positions and a TWO - MINUTE rebuttal. A FIVE - MINUTE summation reiterating the most important points made by team members will be given by either the candidate or team coordinator. Arguments must be made about the following FIVE MAJOR ISSUES.

1. The extent of the potential PCB problem in the Ramford River.

2. The possible routes and effects of exposure to PCBS for people and animals in the County.

3. The risks of exposure to PCBs for humans and other animals.

4. Strategies for clean - up and reduction of exposure to PCBs including cost (short and long term).

5. The available technologies for dredging and remediation of the dredged materials.


TIES Online


Flora Savers

2001 © TIES, Ramapo College, NJ