Ozone Quest


July 19
10 a.m.
July 20
9 a.m.
July 23
9:30 a.m.
July 23
3 p.m.
July 24
9 a.m.


Ozone Quest

July 23, 3:00 PM
Offices of the Ramford Winter Olympic Bid Committee.

Mr Blanc

Mr. Blanc has just received a call from the Mayor who has heard from several members of the Bid Committee on both sides of the plan.  The mayor reminds Mr. Blanc how important hosting the Olympics would be to Ramford’s economy and quality of life.  She suggests that Mr. Blanc use all his negotiation and mediation skills to keep the group on track and produce a proposal by the deadline.

Mr. Blanc immediately arranges for a conference call between Ann Pere-Wattage, Aviola Branchiole and himself.  They understand the need to reach consensus and produce a proposal that has the support of all groups and agree to work toward that end. 

Aviola reminds them that the citizens of Ramford are accustomed to becoming involved in decisions about environmental issues in their County.  Ann discusses the debates about dredging PCBs from the river before the election and the presentations sponsored by the Acid Precipitation Action Panel (APAP).       

Neige suggests that perhaps a “way forward” would be to have the Olympic Bid Committee sponsor a series of debates open to the public on the plan to ban vehicular traffic in downtown Ramford.  The community and committee members would learn much more about the issues involved and the public would be allowed to make written and oral comments after the debates.  This should allow a compromise position to be forged.  

Ann and Aviola state they can get their supporters on the Bid Committee to support this proposal as long as each side has the opportunity to choose the panel of experts to present the arguments “for the traffic ban” and “against the traffic ban”.   

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