<< Evaluation

Guiding Questions Rubric for Mercury

TIES Rubrics

Examining the Quality of Thinking


This module is designed to help you develop skill in examining a contaminant in a specific environment, Ramford County. We believe that if you are immersed in the problems and data of this specific situation, you will be well equipped to examine the effect of this, or any, contaminant in other situations. Therefore, we expect that your report will be specifically related to the Ramford County situation and use those data presented in the module. Your team reports should be organized by the issues identified in the rubric.


The problem requires analysis of data about the contaminant in the environment in terms of:

1.      Causes/sources

2.      Extent of the problem

3.      Exposure to humans and the environment

4.      Strategies for cleanup and/or remediation and related to extent of the problem


All teams consider these core issues and then each team takes a unique perspective of the problem to examine in depth:



Specific areas of investigation


Environmental concentrations, interaction with environment (including how conditions affect contaminant, persistence and movement)


Threat to humans and wildlife, routes and levels of exposure

Community/Risk  Risk of exposure to communities and how to communicate them and educate the public.


Cost (and cost effectiveness) of mitigation, responsibility for contamination and cleanup, potential economic impact , policy issues

Solutions/ Technology

Cleanup and remediation technologies, further exposure


Meteorologist, GIS specialist, ethicist, epidemiologist, virologist, etc.


The rubric is a guide to quality thinking. It describes a continuum of progress toward an exemplary response (4). It presupposes that language use and mechanics do not interfere with meaning. It is cumulative in the sense that a Level 2 response both describes the situation and states conclusions; a Level 4 response makes recommendations that are based on scientific explanations for the conclusions drawn about the situation. Enough data and sources are given in the module to support a Level 4 response. In general, the levels represent a continuum of understanding, moving from definition to application of the knowledge: 


1.      Describes the situation created by the contaminant

2.      States conclusions with evidence and citations* to support those conclusions

3.      Gives an explanation for the situation using logic, historical data, chemical analyses and data representations such as, graphs and charts to analyze and synthesize data to support a scientific explanation.

4.      Tells the significance of the effects and issues on the air, land, water and living things. Applies what is known about this specific situation to make recommendations and support them with data from Ramford County and analogous situations.


Citation = documentation of a source of information being used as evidence to support a conclusion or explanation, including author, publication, and context. Author and date should appear with the information in the text, and a full citation in a list of references at the end (APA style): http://www.ramapo.edu/content/campus.resources/potter/

For guidelines on plagiarism:

http:// www.indiana.edu/~wts/wts/plagiarism.html


All Teams are responsible for the first three questions:








Evaluate and/or Recommend

Definition Dictionary Definition Definition in context with examples of use Scientific Explanation  Discriminate between definitions and/or viewpoints 
Concentration Known concentrations of mercury throughout Ramford; Reasons for relative concentrations in Ramford  Sources of mercury (point, non-point) nationally and internationally Changes in concentration over time and reasons for the changes Assessment of the total extent of contaminant in Ramford; cite case studies
Policy Issues Timeline of manufacture of the contaminant Discovery of its effects Policy of mercury manufacture and use in Ramford and elsewhere Documentation of case studies and discussion of problem and recommendations