Concerned Ramford Enviro-artists Against Toxic Environments

was started in 1994 to support and help members of the Ramford Enviro-Artists co-operative who were sickened and forced to relocate when it was discovered that their living and studio space at 80 River Road in Ramford was heavily contaminated with mercury from the industry that occupied the space prior to its renovation.

Since that time CREATE has become involved in many other issues that affect the working conditions that visual and performing artists encounter. The group has grown and now is recognized throughout the state.

In addition to continuing to support, lobby, and serve as an advocacy group for the Ramford Enviro-Artists, CREATE has three other issues active at this time.

- We are involved in the complaint regarding the adverse affects of smoke and fog used in stage productions on respiratory function of actors and singers.

- We are supporting legislation to get the lead out of glazes, inks and paints used by artists and craftspeople.

- We are supporting participation in studies to improve the diet and health of dancers with regard to loss of bone density.

| River Road Mercury Site |

Last Updated:
CREATE is part of Ramapo College's T.I.E.S. Program