Citizens of

Ramford County
A Non-Profit Coalition
of Concerned Citizens

CRAM was established in 1995 by residents of the southern section of Ramford County whose private and municipal wells are contaminated with mercury. The geology of the region (Chohancy sands) allows for high concentrations of mercury to accumulate in the aquifer which is tapped for drinking water.

CRAM has been a strong advocacy group; successfully lobbying the State for remediation and relief for affected citizens.

In addition to mercury in drinking water CRAM is actively involved in efforts aimed at reducing human exposure to mercury from:

- Dental amalgams

- Folk/religious use of mercury

- Thermometer breakage


Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning:
* Impairment of the peripheral vision
* Disturbances in sensations ("pins and needles" feelings, numbness) usually in the hands feet and sometimes around the mouth
* Lack of coordination of movements, such as writing
* Impairment of speech, hearing, walking;
* Muscle weakness
* Skin rashes
* Mood swings
* Memory loss
* Mental disturbances

| Danger In Ramford County's Wells |


Last Updated:
August 1, 2001
C.R.A.M is part of Ramapo College's T.I.E.S program