Mitigation: Legal & Political This page is the 1994 Oslo Protocol on Further Reduction of Sulfur Emissions, signed by 28 nations to reduce sulfur emissions worldwide. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe produced the protocol. This is a list of countries that are actively reducing their sulfur emissions, and their predicted levels of pollutants. This is a protocol designed by the European Union for the de-acidification of Europe. Follow the next page for more on the strategy, or follow the index button to find related articles. This is the Congressional Research Service Report concerning the provisions of the acid rain law, written in 1994 in the US to put caps on emissions, and lower output of acidic pollutants into the environment. This is the biennial report to Congress by the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program. It assesses the state of the country in terms of acid rain, what has improved, and what still needs to be done. This is a newsletter stating that the EDF Urges N.Y. State to control in-state acid rain sources, and was printed in 1983. It sites several local sources of acid rain, and possible mitigation. This page is designed by the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority and it covers policies and instrumentation needed to reduce sulfur and nitrogen emissions.

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