Graphics & Maps/ Meteorological Information Circulation of Acidic Pollutants- A simple diagram of sources and transfers of acidic pollutants Europe Acid Rain Map- Map of levels of acidic pollutants in the atmosphere in Europe, as well as a prediction of future levels Description of Acid Deposition “acid rain” on Atlantic Provinces in Canada. Provides charts and graphics and trends, but no raw data. Study done 1980-1998.
Environment Agency – Acid rain This is a UK site giving a general overview of Acid Rain cause and effects, as well as providing maps and graphs of acid rain across the UK. This page is the acid rain and GIS resource page. It includes links to GIS and acid rain pages across the web. This is a well-detailed graphic of a pH scale by the USGS. This page is designed by the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority and it has two detailed maps of the origins of acidic pollutants across Europe affecting Norway.    Acid Rain and GIS Resources

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