Case Studies

Case Studies/ Scientific Studies Sudbury, Ontario- This is a case study of the Sudbury region in Ontario province, Canada. It contains some data as to emission of SO2 over time. Marine Advection Fog and Acid Deposition- A study in the chemistry and deposition of acidifying substances by Marine Advection Fog in Atlantic Canada. A study in Geographical Representation of Acidifying Emissions in the Netherlands. The graphics may not load on this page. This page briefly describes a recent study done by New Hampshire scientists describing deforestation of the Northeast US by acid rain; the page also mentions the contention between Midwest and Northeast law-makers. This page is a study of the effect of acid rain on the US capitol building as well as other limestone or marble structures. It is written by the USGS. This is an article reporting on a 10-year acid rain study by a Sam Houston State University biology professor. It finds that the level of rain acidity has remained relatively stable for the last 10 years.

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