Case File: Sasha the Puppy

coc176smThe Ryter family (Sally and Mike) brought their new puppy “Sasha” home in July to live at their old farm house in a rural area of Ramford County.

Sasha began to spend her days in the large fenced yard around the house; she loved to dig holes, lay in them and cover herself with dirt. After about two weeks the Ryter’s noticed that Sasha stopped playing, became lethargic, seemed “depressed”, and developed diarrhea. They took her to the vet (Dr. Peckham) who suggested they keep her indoors, watch her diet, (no people food – especially because Sasha had “stolen” and consumed chocolate covered graham crackers on two occasions) and observe if there was improvement. Sasha did improve, and after a month in the house, they were happy to let her back out to play in the yard. The Ryter’s continued to be careful about her diet; but after a several days of digging she exhibited the same symptoms as before but also seemed disoriented.
