Case File: The Swans

The Swans

The Swans

Michael Ortez and Stacey Lum, two graduate students in Ramford University’s Plant Ecology program were out in a rural area of Ramford County conducting a study of the occurrence of a rare species of fern (Hartford Fern) that lives along the banks of ponds and streams. They received permission to survey the ponds, streams and marshes on the 800 acre Ramford Hunting and Fishing Club. As part of their study design, Mike and Stacey planned to point locate and accurately map any colonies of fern for entry into the state’s Natural Heritage Program. To accomplish their mapping, Mike and Stacey are using Ramford University’s new Geographic Information System (GIS).

As Mike and Stacey made their way around the “Hummdinger Pond” they discovered a pair of dead Mute Swans a short distance off shore, entangled in emergent pond vegetation (Arrow Arum). Mike and Stacey’s initial investigation revealed no apparent injuries or wounds. They both felt that further investigation was warranted, so they cut their field trip short and decided to return to Ramford University with the swans to seek the aid of a wildlife expert to determine cause of death.
