Process: Risk Investigation Team – Human

Investigates questions concerning the Effects of Exposure to DDT on humans.
Guiding Questions:

1. What is DDT? What are the historic uses? What are the current uses?

2. What are the most likely places for the application of DDT in Ramford County?

3. What are the known concentrations of DDT in soil and produce in Ramford County? How do you explain its occurrence?

4. Is there evidence to support a threat to human health from DDT?

5. What are the primary routes of exposure (i.e. in utero, breast milk, respiration, ingestion) to humans?

6. How much exposure will result in harm to humans?

Each team will be responsible for:

A. Preparing written answers to the guiding questions listed above;

B. One team member will synthesize the information into the three minute argument that will support your consulting company’s position in the debate;

C. One team member will synthesize the information into the two minute rebuttal that will support your consulting company’s position in the debate.