Evaluation: Virus Team

Virus Team Rubric (For Guiding Questions #4 – #6)









Guiding Question #4

Comparison of SRRV to other Diseases

The response compares SRRV with other mosquito borne diseases.

Prior description and the response is supported with specific references.

Prior description and the response addresses specific factors in Ramford County related to mosquitoes.

Prior description and the information in the response is accurate.

Guiding Question #5

Occurrence of SRRV with DDT.

The response the likelihood of future occurrence of SRRV after using DDT.

Prior description and the response is supported with specific references and case studies.

Prior description and the response includes a discussion of factors specific to Ramford County.

Prior description, the information in the response is accurate and the projection of future SRRV is data-based.

Guiding Question #6

Occurrence of SRRV without DDT

The response the likelihood of future occurrence of SRRV if DDT is not used.

Prior description and the response is supported with specific references and case studies

Prior description and the response includes a discussion of factors specific to Ramford County.

Prior description, the information in the response is accurate and the projection of future SRRV is data-based.