Evaluation: Questions 1 – 3

Guiding Questions 1, 2 & 3 Rubric: Definition, Historic & Current Use, Application, Concentration and Occurrence of DDT.









Guiding Question #1

Definition of DDT

The response addresses the definition of DDT.

Prior description and the definition is referenced to sources.

Prior description and the definition is created from multiple sources.

Prior description and the definition contains information specifically relevant to addressing the SRRV outbreak.

Guiding Question #1

Historic Use of DDT

The response addresses past uses of DDT.

Prior description and the historic uses are cited and referenced.

Prior description and likely historic uses in Ramford County are cited.

Prior description and likely historic uses are supported with evidence from sampling data.

Guiding Question #1

Current Uses of DDT

The response addresses current uses of DDT.

Prior description and the current uses are cited and referenced.

Prior description and potential current uses in Ramford County are cited.

Prior description and potential use related to the SRRV virus is researched.

Guiding Question #2

Likely Places for DDT Application

The response addresses likely places that DDT would be applied in Ramford County

Prior description and the response is supported with specific references.

Prior description and the response is tied to the vectors of the SRRV virus.

Prior description and the response evaluates different locations in terms of maximum impact on SRRV.

Guiding Question #3

Known Concentrations of DDT

The response addresses known concentration of DDT in soil and produce.

Prior description and the response are supported with specific references.

Prior description, the response is based upon multiple sources, and addresses the pathway(s) for DDT occurrence.

Prior description and the response looks at concentration over time and addresses the relative importance of different concentrations at different sites.