Feb 28 – 2:15 p.m

 Congressperson Flora Savers

Congressperson Flora Savers

LOCATION: Congressperson Flora Savers’ Office in Ramford County.

Congressperson Savers receives a call from George Sweetwater, Chief of the Renapi Tribe.

The Renapi’s multi-million dollar casino and eco-tourism facility is open and has attracted a number of favorable reviews.   Guests can participate in a variety of activities centered around the recreational opportunities on the lakes, streams, and ponds including fishing.

The Tribal Council is concerned because the results of water quality analysis of two of the lakes used by resort guests have shown low pH values (which indicate an increase in acidity) for the last 15-20 years. These values have reached the critical values for the survival of the fish and other aquatic organisms.

The Council has decided that the health of the aquatic ecosystems and economic interests of the Renapi can best be served by the tribe taking a pro-active role in addressing the causes of the acid precipitation that are at the root of the problems in the three lakes. The Council has directed Chief Sweetwater to enlist the aid of Congresswomen Savers.

Ms. Savers agrees to meet the Tribal Council at the effected lakes on March 3 at 3:00 PM.