March 5 – 2:00 p.m.

Smoke Stack

LOCATION : Congressperson Flora Savers’ Office in Ramford County.

Flora, Odum and their staff discuss the situation and the make-up of the APAP (Acid Precipitation Action Panel). The staff wants to make sure that all points of view are represented on the panel in addition to scientific expertise.

Ramford County is the home of the world headquarters of International Energy (IE). The IE corporation operates many power stations in the US including plants in and around Ramford County. Ann Pere-Watage the CEO of IE is also the Chairperson of the Pan-Ramford Organization for Industry and Technology (PROFIT) a group composed of the presidents and CEO’s of the manufacturing sector of Ramford County and the State. It is suggested that Ann Pere-Watage and Hope Hywages, president of the union of IE workers be named to the APAP.

Ramford County is also the home of the North American Motors assembly plant that employs many county residents.  This plant produces the newest sport utility vehicle the “LAND SHARK”.  There have been problems with blistering paint on LAND SHARKS parked at the assembly plant before shipping.  She suggests that the automotive industry be represented on the APAP by Ms. Mercedes Bens, the Plant Manager, and Mr. Cam Shaft the union organizer.